Cadillac Rainbow
Country: Colombia
Region: Quindio
Farm/Mill: Finca Santa Monica
Farmer: Jairo Arcila
Tasting Notes: Wild Tasting, Mango, Kiwi
Processing: Wine Yeast and Lulo Fruit
Variety: Castillo, Colombia
Altitude: 1,500 MASL
This coffee was grown by Jairo Arcila, who is a third generation coffee grower from Quindio, Colombia. Jario’s two sons, Carlos and Felipe Arcila, founded Cofinet and have had a big hand in helping him improve the quality of their offerings via unique fermentation processes and more exotic varieties. The work that they are doing in Colombia across their multiple farms creates jobs for local workers and has a significant economic impact on surrounding communities.
This wild coffee was fermented with a local fruit called Lulo. Lulo tastes like tropical fruit, lots of pineapple, kiwi, and mango. It is bright, fruity and floral just like the way we love our coffee.